Well heck, I've reached 100 posts.
I'm pretty amazed that I've kept this going for so long, there's been gaps and fits and starts at posting, but I'll definitely admit that trying to keep this blog going had definitely helped me keep up with my hobby.
I don't have anything special planned as this has crept up on me a little, so instead I'll just look at how the blog's done over that time:
Traffic over time |
You can see just how much of an impact going to
BlogWars had on my traffic (big thanks got From The Fang for that), that spike is the few weeks after the tournament when I was posting the battle reports and army images. Otherwise I've managed to keep a relatively steady traffic flow.
Finally, "mad props" have to go to Ron over at
From the Warp as both the top referring site and url for my little old blog, so a big thank you to Ron for the continuing, amazing work he does to build our blogging community.
So, thanks all of you for looking in when you do, I'll be back to posting regular content very soon as I have a lot I want to show after Salute at the weekend. I'm also going to be trying to post mini-updates to my twitter stream that you can see on the right, or find
Cheers - Andy