Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Blog Wars - I'm going, are you?

I'm going to Blog Wars!

For those that haven't yet heard of this, and if you haven't, where have you been?  Blog Wars is being run by Alex over at From The Fang and is aimed at getting together members of the UK blogging community (non-bloggers are welcome too of course) for a relaxed tournament, a chance to meet up with all those names we know from blogs but may never have met, and throw down on the tables and "see who's best" ;)  It's going to be at Maelstrom Games in Mansfield on Sunday 5th June.  To try and help out, I've set up a Google Group for people to use to for organising lifts, nights out etc, you can find it here.

EDIT:  Second list added for consideration.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Guest appearance

Hey everyone, been a tad quiet on here of late, thanks to an extremely busy period at work, followed directly by work travel, and I've not really had much time to get on here.  However, I've not been taking it easy, there's a number of bits a pieces I want to talk about.

  1. On my way back from my work trip, I'm stopping off in LA for a couple of days, so of course I'm going to have to see what the famed LA battle bunker is like.  I'll be calling in there either Wednesday or Thursday so if anyone who follows this is there on either of those days, watch out for the lost looking English guy and say hi.

Monday, 4 April 2011

GW's birthday days

I've seen a bit of bashing of GW for having started up its series of birthday events for stores (at least in the UK, I'm not sure about the international stores), but then again, what decision of theirs doesn't receive some bashing from one corner of the web or another.

My local was amongst the first group of stores to have their parties and I'll admit now I came away distinctly better off than when I went in.  Yes there was a lot of the usual kiddie pleasing nonsense, waaghs, cake, sillyness, but I'd still recommend you pop along to your local whenever they have theirs, for three main reasons.


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