Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Grey Hunters (1)

So I've been threatening these for a while, my first squad. They're battlefield ready, have been shaded and had a second layer. Last night I sat down to apply highlights and got first highlight on 5 troops, and completed one of those as a treat to myself. Next sitting will be first highlight on the second 5, then finishing them off one by one including all the details. So, without further ado, the full squad (apologies for the terrible lighting):

and the completed individual. He has some runes on his armour which is going to feature throughout my units, and he has what is supposed to be a claw mark down over his right eye. I'm not happy with either the claw mark or the army badge on the left shoulder so will probably go back and redo those:


I can't wait to get these guys up to scratch, but I won't be concentrating on them too much, I've got the second squad on the go which are made with the old metal figures and I can't wait to get them up to scratch!

Comments and suggestions more than welcomed - I need to come up with something for the squad marking, cheers, bG

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