Thursday 13 June 2013

210: Contemptor complete

He's been done for quite a while now, but as anyone who checks regularly may have noticed, I've had little if any time for hobby or the blog, hence the lack of updates.  Finally was able to sit him down and take some photo's though, here they are:

You can see in the 4th photo that I tried to do a little OSL for the eyes, a blending version this time rather than my usual dry-brushed technique.  Not sure I'm happy with it, and I still need to lighten the actual eye lenses considerably, perhaps that'll help.  Anyone got any tips on how best to get this effect to work like this?
He also need weathering and some battle damage applying, but that is going to have to wait.

Hope people like him, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to get back to posting on here soon.
Cheers, Andy.


  1. Nice! For the OSL try highlighting the surrounding colours up to almost white where you know the glow will be and then build up the OSL colour with a few thin glazes until you are happy with it.

    1. Hi Zab, thanks very much for the comments. For clarity, when you mention highlighting up to almost white, are you referring to the lenses, or the whole area as you also mention surrounding colours? From what I'd seen before, it looks best if the source of the glow is significantly lighter than the surrounding area, or am I mistaken.

    2. I would paint the lenses as normal and then only highlight the other areas where the light from them would fall almost up to white, and then glaze those with a few layers of whatever colour you want for the light (ie red, green or blue depending on the colour of the lenses). It helps to show the light colour more and you can use the placement of the almost white to fake where you want the brightest saturation of light to be.

    3. Thanks Zab, that helps a lot, I may cover over what I've already done as I'm not happy with it and give that a go as it sounds like a much better method. Really appreciate the input.



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